Earn scholarships, fund your future

Simplify and focus your application process with the one-stop platform for vetted scholarships.
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Agriculture and Related Sciences
Architecture and Related Services
Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Business, Management and Marketing
Communication and Journalism
Computer and Information Sciences
Construction Trades
English Language and Literature
Family and Consumer Sciences
Foreign Languages, Literature and Linguistics
Health Professions and Clinical Sciences
Legal Professions and Law Studies
Liberal Arts / General Studies
Library Science
Mathematics and Statistics
Mechanic and Repair Tech / Technicians
Military Technologies
Multi / Interdisciplinary Studies
Natural Resources and Conservation
Parks, Recreation, and Fitness Studies
Personal and Culinary Services
Philosophy and Religious Studies
Physical Sciences
Precision Production
Public Administration and Social Service
Security and Protective Services
Social Sciences
Technology Education / Industrial Arts
Theology and Religious Vocations
Transportation and Materials Moving
Visual and Performing Arts
Not Listed / Other
Trusted by 7 million students and parents.

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It shouldn’t be this hard to pay for college

But missing out is harder.
Scholarships are essential, but applying for them is overwhelming and unfairly complicated.
Students deserve a simpler way to fund their future—so we built it.

Your all-in-one scholarship system

Personalized vetted scholarship matches

Get matched to scholarships that are most relevant to you. View scholarship credibility scores to know where to focus your time and energy.

Apply without leaving the platform

The entire search, match and application process happens all in one place. You can even write, edit and proof your essays right in the platform!

Receive customized recommendations

Our smart system utilizes AI to generate scholarship recommendations tailored just for you, based on your profile and habits.

Quickly apply for similar scholarships

Each time you apply, our AI will suggest scholarships with a similar topic or requirement. You can even repurpose your essays to apply for them!

“Scholarship Institute made the entire process easy for me. I applied for lots of scholarships in minutes and was ecstatic to win multiple awards. It saved me so much time and stress!”

Jenny C.
Won $8,000 in scholarships

“Thanks to Scholarship Institute, I discovered scholarships I never would have found on my own. Winning the Green Leaders Scholarship has been a huge boost to my confidence in pursuing my goals.”

Jonathan P.
Won $1,000 in scholarships

Those who earn scholarships aren’t just lucky

They use tools and strategies that give them an edge.

Optimize your application strategy

Scholarship searches can be messy, but not with Scholarship Institute. Sort and filter your matches. Favorite the scholarships you like best, and hide the ones you don’t.

Track the status of your applications

You can monitor your applications in real-time. Be in control of your own financial future to ensure you can afford the college of your choice.

Automatically apply for recurring scholarships

You’ll be automatically reapplied to scholarships that select multiple winners year-round so that you can focus on scholarships that truly require your attention.

Game the system with Scholarship Institute

Earn scholarships with the only platform that truly boosts your chances. Focus your efforts, save time and get money for college.

1K+ Reviews

7 million students can’t be wrong

Trusted by millions of students and parents.
Access expert help and advice.
Highly rated with outstanding reviews.

So many students earn scholarships with Scholarship Institute. You can too!

"Scholarship Institute made the whole scholarship search so much easier. They do the searching, match you to what you’re eligible for, and bring it all right to you. Before I started using it, I applied to a bunch of scholarships on my own, but nothing ever came through. With Scholarship Instititute, I earned $4,000 in just three months. It seriously saved me hours of time and frustration."

Taylor Johnson
Won $4,000 in scholarships
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Increase your odds of earning scholarships

"I was so excited to start college, but every semester felt like a scramble to find the money I needed. I was applying for scholarships left and right, hoping something would stick. Winning the Horizon Home Solutions Scholarship finally gave me the breathing room I needed this semester. For once, I wasn’t constantly stressed about money, and I could actually focus on my classes."

Aaliyah J.
Earned $1,000 in scholarships